What Is SEO?

It's actually Simpler Than You Think! Well… in theory.

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is the simple activity of ensuring a website can be found in search engines for words and phrases relevant to what the site is offering. In many respects it's simply quality control for websites. Having said that, many ‘industry experts' will each have their own definition or what SEO is, some rather confusing. So to simplify it for you in one sentence, SEO can be described as the practice of increasing the number and quality of visitors to a website by improving rankings in the algorithmic search engine results.

Research shows that websites on the first page of Google receive almost 95% of clicks, and studies show that results that appear higher up the page receive an increased click through rate (CTR), and more traffic.



How Does SEO Work?

Search engines e.g. Google score their search results largely based upon relevancy and authority of pages it has crawled and included in its web index, to a user’s query to provide the best possible result.

SEO, therefore, involves making sure a website is accessible, technically sound, uses words that people type into the search engines, and provides an excellent user experience, with useful and high quality, expert content that helps answers the user’s query. This is where we come in… We continually manage and optimize your website both from a structure, but more importantly, from a content perspective to ensure that it is relevant, has the relevant meta information, and therefore ensures a high ranking on search engines.



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